A Hurricane-Proof Power Plant That Fits in Your Closet

Alex Koyfman

Posted July 19, 2018

Dear Reader,

When Hurricane Sandy struck New York City almost six years ago, it caused the most severe shutdown the city had experienced in almost 300 years. 

Not just basic utilities like water and power, but emergency services, transportation, even basic roadways became inaccessible as they were submerged underneath as much as 50 feet of water. 

It’s not something that New York, or any modern city, for that matter, could have been prepared for. 

And yet, of the thousands of buildings that were either destroyed, severely damaged, or consigned to a temporary but no less harrowing Stone Age, there were 92 that barely felt the effects of the natural disaster. 

These 92 buildings had an advantage none of the other buildings in the city had: a single device, about the size of your average residential refrigerator, that produced electricity and hot water, completely independent of the power grid.

The machine I’m talking about is a tiny, self-contained power plant that is so simple in design that it only has one moving part and only requires one maintenance check-up every year, even though it operates around the clock, without stopping.

In all, there were 95 buildings with these machines in the city when Hurricane Sandy struck.

One Weakness: They Can’t Swim

So, you might ask, what happened to the three that didn’t survive?

Simple: They stopped working because they were completely submerged.

In a world where nothing is perfect, these machines come pretty damn close. 

Besides being extremely reliable, these micro-power plants also have another attribute that’s highly sought-after in the 21st century…

They’re incredibly clean to operate. 

So clean, in fact, that they are in service in the French Alps, where environmental regulations are among the strictest anywhere in the world. 

They are essentially as clean as solar or wind power in terms of emissions, and when you also take into account the environmental impact of producing solar panels or installing and operating enormous wind turbines, they’re actually less harmful to the environment. 

The company that produces these mini power plants has an entire line of products, but they’re all built on the same principle. 

Ranging in capacity from 30 kilowatts to 1 megawatt, these individual units can be stacked together to deliver up to 30 megawatts of power. 

That’s enough to run a small city or a large industrial complex. 

Why We Trail the Rest of the World

You probably haven’t heard of this technology because it’s simply not that popular in the United States… Not yet, anyway. 

The company that builds and maintains these power plants has far more clients abroad than it does in the States, despite the fact that it is an American firm whose stock trades on the Nasdaq. 

The reason for this is that we’re sadly behind much of the rest of the world in adopting advanced, grid-independent power generation solutions. 

Whereas our aging, decaying power grid was set up more than 100 years ago and relies on equally old, equally outdated power plants to keep the juice flowing, these mini power plants find greater popularity in places where electrification came much more recently — places that are only modernizing now and are benefiting from starting off with more advanced options for power delivery. 

In a way, that makes us victims of our own success, but as people are awakening to the benefits of having a power grid-independent power source, this technology is gradually getting adopted here as well. 

So what sort of company builds these machines?

Is it some multinational giant with a wide range of highly diversified products?

Is its market cap in the tens of billions?

Small, Efficient, and Powerful… Just Like the Product

The answer to both of these questions is no. This company builds only one line of products, and its market capitalization is just over $100 million — making it relatively tiny for a Nasdaq listing.

Nevertheless, this company is well on its way to disrupting a multitrillion-dollar energy industry, not just here but across the globe. 

The portability and reliability of these products is such that power and heat can be brought, for the first time ever, to places where, up until now, the only source of power was a smoke-belching diesel generator. 

And, as the New York City example illustrates, they’re seeing growing popularity in highly developed areas as well. 

When I first heard about the company behind this technology at a private investor conference in New York earlier this spring, I knew immediately that I needed to share this with my readers. 

It’s been months in the making, but I recently completed a detailed report on this technology, the company, and, most importantly, the stock. 

To learn more, click here for instant access to that report. 

But be warned, this isn’t the sort of investment that’s going to take months or years to bring gains. 

Just yesterday, the stock rose more than 8% on a spike in volume. 

I guess you just can’t keep things this big a secret for long. 

Click here for immediate, risk-free access to my research.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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